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Equal Juego was created by Sophia Coronado, U15 soccer player at United FC. Sophia started playing last year, and played a bit during her childhood. Her late start in the sport started as a disadvantage, but she is extremely passionate about every aspect of soccer, coming from a Colombian family, and is working hard to be the best player possible, no matter what obstacles she faces. 
Sophia knows from experience what it is like to have to pay for club fees that aren't always easy to pay, and she can't imagine what it must be like for other families who have it much more difficult. Thus, Equal Juego was created, a way of reaching out to communities of children and teens like her who love the game but may not have the means to play it. 
She wants to see this sport grow in America and be accessible to everyone, and she needs your help! Explore Equal Juego's site to see what you can do and what our missions are.

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